File:Person User:Bryan Hilderbrand

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MediaWiki.png User Page: Bryandamon

Open Actions

ActionDue dateAssigned toLabelRelated article
Define MWStake Brokerage Process17 July 2020Lex Sulzer
Bryan Hilderbrand
MWStakeBoard Meeting
Clarify what "Charter" means in the Bylaws5 June 2020Bryan HilderbrandMWStakeBoard Meeting
Updated Bylaws to show that "Records" means mwstake.org5 June 2020Bryan HilderbrandMWStakeBoard Meeting
Review Bylaw Notes5 June 2020Markus Glaser
Lex Sulzer
Cindy Cicalese
Mark Hershberger
Evita Hollis
James Montalvo
Bryan Hilderbrand
MWStakeBoard Meeting
Board Meeting
MWStake Sales Pitch and Slide Deck29 May 2020Markus Glaser
James Montalvo
Bryan Hilderbrand
MWStakeBoard Meeting
Board Meeting

Improve MWStake website

  1. Add something along the lines of, "MWStake is the leading..." (either on the main page, after someone clicks Become a Member, or both)
  2. Add to Lex's slides items that pertain to people other than MW Users (i.e. consultants), something like "Are you a consultant that needs more work"
  3. Add visibility to corroborate sponsors, like the Linux Foundation does. Add a page with logos and links to company websites. Start with Hallo Welt!, Wikibase Solutions, NicheWork, Dataspects, Tegnosis, and others (KDZ?).
  4. When we have a threshold of Individual members, add something like "Join 100s of other MediaWiki users in the community"

Project Canasta

Group Location:
There is now a Google Group for the project with open membership:


Yaron's original email lays it out nicely, but the projects seems to have 3 main parts (which seem to be independent and can be worked on in parallel):

  • Platform (Meza, Sunflower Distribution, Docker approach, some combination, something entirely new)
  • Transfer (PX, Wikibase method, MABS, other)
  • Content (Actual Product/Package/Module/etc.)

Agenda (05JAN)

  1. Intro/Update - What the project is about. Rich's wiki. Previous notes.
  2. Goals - Goal for this meeting is to discuss the best solution for the "Platform" portion (Docker, Ansible, etc.)
  3. Gather list of options beyond Docker & Ansible
  4. Discuss each option
  5. Agree on a path?

Somethings wrong

Something is wrong with the site and/or the Actionable extension. List of Bryan's Action Items:

Cool tip

An easy win for mwstake for 3rd party users would be promoting the option to remove the "This is my own work" checkbox on image/file uploads using VisualEditor or the wikitext editor.

Interesting articles and sites on open source:

Bylaw notes

Notes on potential changes to the bylaws:

  1. §3.2.2 — Notice must be given to the Directors at least 30 calendar days before the Board of Directors may consider an amendment, supplement, or repeal of the Charter or these Bylaws.
    • It appears this means the Board needs 30 notice before we can decide to amend the bylaws. Propose to reduce this to 7 or 14/15 days.
    • §3.5May be a way for a Board of Directors meeting to bypass the notice via a Board Meeting.
  2. §5.6.3 — Notice must be sent to each Director 30 calendar days before a meeting of the Board of Directors.
    • It appears this means the Board needs 30 notice before we can have a meeting. Propose to reduce this to 7 or 14/15 days.
    • §3.5May be a way for a Board of Directors meeting to bypass the notice via a Board Meeting.
  3. §3.2.3 — Notice must be given to the Ordinary Members at least 30 calendar days before the Annual Meeting of Members or a Special Meeting of Members may consider an amendment, supplement, or repeal of the Charter or these Bylaws.
    • It appears this means the Ordinary Members needs 30 notice before we can decide to amend the bylaws. Propose to reduce this to 7 or 14 days.
    • §3.5May be a way for a Board of Directors meeting to bypass the notice.
  4. § — An Ordinary Member must submit an application for membership via
    • We should add an application link to
  5. § — The Board of Directors or its designate must approve the application of an Ordinary Member.
    • Just a note, currently we'd need approval from the Board for every new Ordinary Member. I suppose this could just be a circulated email.
  6. §4.6.4 — Notice of the date, time, and place of the Annual Meeting of Members and Special Meetings of Members must be given to all Directors, Ordinary Members, and Corporate Members at least thirty calendar days prior to the date of the meeting.
    • Propose to reduce this to 7 or 14/15 days.
    • We should amend the bylaws to enclose all numeric days in parentheses, for example "(30) days". Additionally, numbers should be the same, for example "at least eighteen (18) years of age".
    • Not related, but all references to should be a link to the main page.
  7. §5.2.1 — Directors must be elected by a majority vote of a quorum of the Ordinary Members during the Annual Meeting of Members.
    • Looking forward, we need to schedule Annual Meetings (likely at conferences like EMW or SMW) and this is how Directors are chosen. §5.4.4 - Discusses how to deal with Directors that leave early or are removed.
  8. § — Actions of the Board of Directors must take the form of resolutions and must be included in the records of the Corporation.
    • I suppose it should be "on wiki" (, but we should decide how to capture the "Records of the Corporation".
  9. § — Neither the Bylaws nor the Charter of the Corporation can be amended without a meeting of the Board of Directors.
    • I suppose it should be "on wiki" (, but we should decide what the Charter should include.

MWStake Meeting

Steps to create a new MWStake meeting:

  1. Sign into MWStake (if you don't have an account, contact Mark)
  2. Click "Add Event" from the Form:Event page
  3. Select the Start/Stop Date/Time
    • Note Note:  Currently the date picker isn't working on this site, but Mark has an action to fix it. It should be in the form: 2019/09/25
    • Note Note:  Traditionally we've been meeting at 15:30 or 16:30 UTC (depending on daylight saving time to keep Eastern at 11:30 and Pacific at 8:30)
  4. Enter the meeting URL
    • Note Note:  Currently we're using Bryan's Google Hangout which can handle up to 25 attendees:
  5. Add a "Meeting Agenda" header, see any previous meeting for format (this could be built into the Event template)
  6. Add an "Action board" header with the following (this could be built into the Event template):
    {{Actionable board
    |Extension, Conference

Conference software

Time Zone Converter test

Nuvola apps kworldclock.svg
TimeZoneConverter detected timezone UTC (UTC+00) and locale "en-US" for you. All times are displayed in this timezone and language.
  • 6/1/2020, 3:48:00 PM
  • 6/1/2020, 3:48:00 PM