7 July 2017 MWstake Meeting

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Blank.png Date (UTC): 7 July 2017 14:00:00 - 7 July 2017 15:00:00
Blank.png URL: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/E579
Blank.png Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/mwstake-2017-07

Click for time zone conversion

Join via BlueJeans: https://bluejeans.com/659595738

Follow up on last meeting's actions:

  • ACTION Richard -- Ask Quim if he can help with logo.
  • ACTION Put up a page on MW.o
  • ACTION Frank to talk to Sketch City folks for EMWCon
  • ACTION: Set up a phab task and link it on the ldap hub page
  • ACTION Markus: overview of communications channels MWStake / WMF, also responsibilities


  • What is EMWCon status? (Frank, NASA peeps, Mark)
  • What is the strategy status? (Cindy)
  • Greg's questions about #mwstake:
  1. Who are the major stakeholders?
  2. How can I find service providers?
  3. Foundation / Internal
  4. Companies that have paid staff to work on MediaWiki
    1. MITRE (Cindy is on strategy team)
    2. NASA
    3. etc. (who?)
  5. Companies that want to pay money into a pool to maintain/make features/extensions
    1. Who?
    2. Potentially all the companies in WikiApiary
    3. EMW Consortium members
  6. Consultants / Implementers / Trainers
    1. Identify them how?
  7. Hosting companies
    1. Identify them how?

How does MWStake liaise / communicate with WMF? In other words, who sets the Workboard on Phabricator?