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Latest revision as of 14:27, 17 May 2020

Blank.png Date (UTC): 6 May 2016 15:00:00 - 6 May 2016 16:00:00
Blank.png URL: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cg7smqcl5pqa30ina6ggb55f3cg
Blank.png Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/mwstake-2016-05

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Matthew Flaschen	2 participants
Group chat
To list all available commands enter "/?".
Denny Vrandečić joined group chat.
Erik Moeller joined group chat.
Chris Koerner joined group chat.
Markus Glaser	11:02 AM
Frank Taylor joined group chat.
Gregory Rundlett joined group chat.
Frank Taylor	11:03 AM
??Good morning, everyone.
Erik Moeller	11:03 AM
Markus: I don't see the little "live" indicator I normally see for a Hangout on air, so if you want to broadcast, you may have to join the other one.
What Matt said
Gregory Rundlett	11:04 AM
Markus Glaser	11:04 AM
Natalia Brown joined group chat.
Toni Hermoso Pulido joined group chat.
Markus Glaser	11:04 AM
have mark in the other hangout
Chris Koerner	11:05 AM
Hi Toni!
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:05 AM
Hello all!
Gregory Rundlett	11:05 AM
Hi all!
Matthew Flaschen	11:06 AM
The other one (https://plus.google.com/events/c88vhq37hg74htn7raj56oasj38) says Hangout On Air, but I don't know how to join it. Anyway, let's wait for now.
Erik Moeller	11:08 AM
Brion is trying to join, but it looks like the call is full :(
Matthew Flaschen	11:08 AM
:(, I thought they raised the limit.
Frank Taylor left group chat.
Erik Moeller	11:09 AM
I think this is why WMF switched to Bluejeans :(
Denny Vrandečić	11:09 AM
I will do so too
Chris Koerner left group chat.
Denny Vrandečić left group chat.
Brion Vibber joined group chat.
Matthew Flaschen	11:09 AM
It's supposedly 25 now, though: https://apps.google.com/products/hangouts/
Mark Hershberger joined group chat.
Denny Vrandečić joined group chat.
Erik Moeller	11:10 AM
That's weird
Matthew Flaschen	11:10 AM
Mark, your audio is broken.
Brion Vibber	11:11 AM
Should I post this link in the event?
Denny Vrandečić	11:11 AM
mark say something now?
Matthew Flaschen	11:12 AM
It's full anyway. Next time we should use the Hangout on Air, and maybe create it as a WMF event to see if there is a higher limit.
Erik Moeller	11:12 AM
Better than the opposite problem - not enough participants :P
Mark Hershberger	11:13 AM
tried to do the HoA, Matt, but I screwed up
Matthew Flaschen	11:13 AM
You created one, I think: https://plus.google.com/events/c88vhq37hg74htn7raj56oasj38
But we're not in it, and I wasn't sure how to join. Maybe people have to be specifically invited. We need an A/V working group.
Erik Moeller	11:14 AM
Mark, it looks like we're picking up feedback from you -- would you mind muting when you're not talking?
Brion Vibber	11:15 AM
ckoerner asked to share this link in chat for background: http://mwstake.org/mwstake/wiki/MediaWiki_Foundation_Notes
is anybody recording this version of the chat for later watchers?
Markus Glaser	11:16 AM

	MediaWiki Foundation Mission and Vision Statement
Matthew Flaschen	11:17 AM
Brion: I don't think the video is recorded since this is not a HoA. I can publish the chat if that's okay with people.
Mark Hershberger	11:17 AM
Markus Glaser muted Mark Hershberger.
Markus Glaser	11:21 AM

	One possible roadmap
Matthew Flaschen	11:26 AM
Thanks, Brion. :)
Erik Moeller	11:26 AM
Mark Hershberger	11:27 AM
consortium is what we were thinking about, I thought
Natalia Brown	11:29 AM
Thank you, Brion and Erik! :)  MWF needs your support! :) 
Brion Vibber	11:29 AM
("apache"-like model)
(but make sure individuals can still participate as well)
Matthew Flaschen	11:29 AM
It can be both consortium and 501(c)3. Apache is 501(c)3.
Denny Vrandečić	11:30 AM
+1 to individual participants as well
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:30 AM
Brion Vibber	11:30 AM
re 501(c)3 one reason we looked at the other options was about "business income" if there's consulting/contracting for support etc. on the consortium model that might be pushed down a level though, so not an issue
Denny Vrandečić	11:32 AM
re: brion, in order to allow for biz income, the 501(c)3 could have a for-profit subsidiary (as does mozilla)
Gregory Rundlett	11:33 AM
I believe 501(c)3 is a formal tax category / organization structure while "consortium" is a loose description of how the organization is structured with regard to it's board, "members", volunteers, staff, etc.
Brion Vibber	11:33 AM
denny: yeah, that's a definite possibility if we find there's a need for a support/dev sub-organization
Erik Moeller	11:35 AM
What kinds of help are you looking for?
Mark Hershberger	11:35 AM
Can we look at the working groups and get poeple interet? Point to the conpherence room
Matthew Flaschen	11:36 AM
Mark Hershberger	11:36 AM
Erik Moeller	11:36 AM
We definitely need to solve the attendance limit for next time
Mark Hershberger	11:37 AM
We can use phabricator to schedule events more than G+
Brion Vibber	11:37 AM
gregory: i think it was 501(c)6 we were looking at as an alternative http://stormyscorner.com/2008/08/501c-3-versus-6.html
Matthew Flaschen	11:37 AM
Groups: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/Z245#4731
Markus Glaser	11:37 AM

  communication to the public (marketing, PR, announcements, wiki/website...)
  communication with Wikimedia (strategy, budget, reports...)
  technical working group (development, extension store, software wishlist...) > projects
  communication with Stakeholders (wishlist, use cases...)
  organization of the organization (budget, reports, events, announcements...)
Matthew Flaschen	11:38 AM
I don't have a massive amount of time right now, but I can help with "communication to the public", including prepping for the Hangout on Air/IRC, and marketing it.
I thought this is communicating about our group, not about MW.
Erik Moeller	11:40 AM
How have these meetings been organized so far? If it's always you two, it may be helpful to have a "designated owner" for each meeting, and to have that be a volunteer role anyone can sign up for.
Matthew Flaschen	11:41 AM
Do we have signups for these working groups yet?
Mark Hershberger	11:42 AM
Matt, we don't have anywhere for people to sign up :(
Gregory Rundlett	11:42 AM
Brion: thanks
me	11:43 AM
The Stakeholders Group (with me as a contact point) volunteered to work on the Improving Extension Management task (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T88596), but we have not yet organized to start working on it.
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:43 AM
as a starting point, we can use a simple wiki page
Matthew Flaschen	11:43 AM
Should we do the signups on MW.org, or mwstake.org?
Markus Glaser	11:43 AM
Mark Hershberger	11:45 AM
another contribution we've made: Cindy has been working on authenticatoin update in core mw, IIRC
Erik Moeller	11:45 AM
Just as long as there's clear instructions posted somewhere :)
me	11:45 AM
There aren't - yet :-)
We will add
Denny Vrandečić	11:45 AM
I have to leave for today, looking forward to this moving forward!
Denny Vrandečić left group chat.
Markus Glaser	11:46 AM

	A MediaWiki organisation?
me	11:46 AM
We should post those on mwstake.org as well as posting the draft vision/mission statement
Matthew Flaschen	11:47 AM
Cindy, I tried to create an account on mwstake.org via Google. Does the trigger the request?
Erik Moeller	11:47 AM
There are also a lot of individuals who have many years of experience with this -- Luis Villa, Simon Phipps, Danese Cooper, and others
Gregory Rundlett	11:48 AM
I assume some will be at Enterprise MediaWiki? in NYC
I'll be there
me	11:48 AM
Matthew, no, I need to add you to the list of authorized users on the wiki. I'll just need your google email address.
Erik Moeller	11:49 AM
I can ping Luis and see if he has some cycles to help. He just had his first kid so it might be a few weeks :)
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:49 AM
Cindy, did you add me in the past? Otherwise, I would ask you as well..
Matthew Flaschen	11:49 AM
me	11:49 AM
Let me check, Toni
Mark Hershberger	11:49 AM
action item: sign up for working groups
me	11:50 AM
Matthew, try now. Toni, I don't see you listed.
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:50 AM
Ok, toniher@gmail.com if Google Account
Matthew Flaschen	11:50 AM
Thanks, Cindy.
Gregory Rundlett	11:51 AM
Cindy: I'm greg@equality-tech.com  (Greg Rundlett aka freephile) Can you add me to mwstake.org?
Erik Moeller	11:52 AM
Cindy, would be great if you could add eloquence@gmail.com  as well :)
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:52 AM
thanks Cindy
Matthew Flaschen	11:52 AM
Signup page: http://mwstake.org/mwstake/index.php?title=MediaWiki_Foundation_working_groups
Mark Hershberger	11:52 AM
Matthew Flaschen	11:53 AM
I'm about to create it.
Erik Moeller	11:53 AM
Thanks for pushing this forward!
Gregory Rundlett	11:53 AM
Erik Moeller	11:53 AM
Bye all!
Erik Moeller left group chat.
Brion Vibber left group chat.
Mark Hershberger left group chat.
Matthew Flaschen left group chat.
me	11:53 AM
Got Erik
Natalia Brown left group chat.
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:53 AM
me	11:53 AM
Got Toni
Gregory Rundlett left group chat.
Toni Hermoso Pulido	11:53 AM
thanks cindy, I try now
Markus Glaser left group chat.
Toni Hermoso Pulido left group chat.
Matthew Flaschen joined group chat.