1 April 2022 MWstake Meeting

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Blank.png Date (UTC): 1 April 2022 15:30:00 - 1 April 2022 16:30:00
Blank.png URL: https://meet.google.com/mdd-ufhn-ksb
Blank.png Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/mwstake-2022-04

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Meeting agenda

  1. Wait for attendees & chat 5 min
  2. Verifiable content in MediaWiki with blockchain 20 min Markus Glaser
    In a project with inblock.io, Hallo Welt! explored the possibilities of creating a verification chain for content and changes in MediaWiki. Markus will talk about what they did.
  3. Introduction into the MWStake Components 20 min Robert Vogel
    Learn about what the MWStake Components are, their origin and purpose. Robert will share Hallo Welt!'s experience with this approach and show how MWStake Components can be used in your own projects.
  4. Wiki Watercooler remaining Open Mic


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