File:Meeting 3 May 2019 MWstake Meeting

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Blank.png Date (UTC): 3 May 2019 15:30:00 - 3 May 2019 16:30:00
Blank.png URL:
Blank.png Etherpad:

Person.png Attendees: AD, Bryan Hildebrand, Cindy Cicalese, Daren Welsh, Evita Hollis, Gergo, Greg, Ike Hecht, Lex Sulzer, Mark Hershberger, Markus Glaser, Tina Tenbergen

Click for time zone conversion

Meeting agenda

  1. Wait for attendees & chat 5 min
  2. Wiki Moment 5 min Bryan
  3. Intro to new meeting structure 5 min Bryan
    • Discuss new MWStake meeting format and rationale (more useful to participants & more structured)
    • Evita will be structuring the meetings, send her topics, discuss where to add ideas and comments (including now in chat)
  4. EMWCon 2019 Recap 5 min Unknown
    • Highlights for those that missed it
  5. SMWCon 2019 Update and Planning 5 min Lex
  6. MWStake Bylaws & Incorporation Update 5 min Mark
    • Generally the bylaws have been approved
    • Next steps
  7. Membership Dues 10 min Mark
  8. Duplicator Task 10 min Mark Lex
    • This was discussed during EMWCon 2019
    • Stewardship of an extension
    • First task to understand how the group can work together to accomplish a goal
    • This can provide a framework for future stewardship of a "suite" of MWStake currated extensions for enterprise use
    • Notes from Rich (who can't make it) in defense of using Extension:Duplicator for this purpose:
      All I would say is that we have a page that is a collection of status updates and the date is part of the page name. Each day people use the Duplicator special page to do a "Save-As" of the page called "Work Status 2019-05-01" and copy it as "Work Status 2019-05-02" and then edit it from there. It's nothing that could be a template.. over the course of 5 or 10 days everything becomes completely different, but from one day to the next, not so much. It's a "Save-As" extension for wiki pages within the wiki.. just like every stand-alone office application has.


Shared notes:

  1. Intro to new meeting structure - Bryan
    • ACTION ITEM Determine the best approach for members to notify Evita about topics for meeting agendas
    • ACTION ITEM (Daren) NASA has a method for customizing the sidebar base on the user -- will follow up on sharing this during the next meeting
  2. Highlights from the Spring EMWCon 2019
    • (Greg) Pros
      • Good facilities
      • Networking with those from MWStake
      • Personal connections
      • Help with solutions that would have taken a lot of time
    • (Greg) Cons
      • Presentation difficulties (technical issues and communication barriers)
      • No deals???
    • (Lex) Participant came only for the create camp - considered to be the richest experience so far
    • (Daren) Encourage current participants to try to bring new participants
  3. SMWCon 2019 Update and Planning - Lex
    • May 13 - Launch of website and official information
    • Paris (confirmed)
    • Sept 25 - 27 (confirmed)
    • 80 people
  4. MWStake Bylaws & Incorporation Update - Mark
    • Bylaws have been approved
    • Next step in the non-profit status
    • SMWCON 2019 -- not sure how to handle Euros, otherwise XXX could handle
  5. Membership dues - Mark/Bryan/Evita
    • The Corporate (cost) steps might be to large
      • ACTION ITEM Members are asked to provide feedback on fee schedule
    • Users represent the users of the software within the company
    • Objective of the membership
      • Income the support legal fees
      • Promotion of the MW software beyond ourselves
        • marketing
      • Taken from the Bylaws
        2.3.1 Contribute to the development of MediaWiki;
        2.3.2 Maintain MediaWiki and its extensions;
        2.3.3 Improve documentation for MediaWiki and its extensions;
        2.3.4 Cooperate and liaison with the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.;
        2.3.5 Coordinate between MediaWiki developers, operators, and users;
        2.3.6 Promote MediaWiki to the public;
        2.3.7 Act as a patron and coordinator for international gatherings, conferences, hackathons, etc.;
        2.3.8 Advocate on behalf of third-party users of MediaWiki; and
        2.3.9 Foster best practices for MediaWiki and its users.
    • Potential corporations are those who want to be affiliated with MWStake and support MW outside of the foundation
    • ACTION ITEM Gergo will determine a place to put info on to allow feedback on the dues
    • Voting concern
      • Why would I be a "Gold" member of I only get one additional vote?
      • ACTION ITEM Members are asked to provide feedback on a voting structure
    • (Lex) What are the top 3 business cases that the money will be spent on?
      • Should Corporate membership have a guaranteed project completion?
  6. Duplicator Task
    • Other extensions to consider as the group's first project
      • (Lex) Example and BoilerPlate extensions
    • The group pays someone to take responsibility of the extension
      • Someone tied to MW core
      • Might be difficulty as they might not be able to except or have the time
    • (Bryan) Boilerplate sounds like a good start. Also, I think I remember Daren having a reservation about using Duplicator as a first extension to work on.
    • (Cindy) The problem with starting from my old extensions is that I may miss changes since they were created. I often think I should go back and re-read the mw.o documentation on creating an extension to see what has been updated.
    • (Daren) regarding boilerplate extensions, James made but it looks like it hasn't been touched in 4 years. Maybe it could help.
    • (Gergo) the related task is BTW
    • (Gergo) cookiecutter is
    • Next steps
  7. Lighting announcements
    • (Gergo)